How does Mobile Voter Registration work?

  • A volunteer uses their car, van, truck or bus to set up voter registration anywhere available on public property. Consider locations such as across the street from a church, movie theater or wherever there are crowds of people.

  • Print the car flyer and between church services put the postcard on car windows to encourage voting. Any parking lot with cars is also a good source.

  • Go to your local Registrar of Voters office for Voter Registration forms. Check the rules on helping others get registered to vote. It varies from state to state. In some states, helping others register is absolutely forbidden.

  • Another alternative is to offer online voter registration. A person can register to vote or check their current voter registration by using their own cell phone. Use the website, to both register and check registration. Follow all the steps.

  • Hand out business cards with the website - and empower people to engage in the electoral process and make informed voting decisions.

  • Please check with your city ordinances to find out the do’s and don’ts.